Sunday, March 11, 2018

ESO 2 - Exchange Week / Setmana de l'Intercanvi

Resultado de imagen de daNISH FLAG

Day 1                                                                                                                                                
 Classwork: Speaking Session Unit 4 Day 1 
             25' with Xavi they will work a time-limited activity
             25' with Juanve they will have the Reader's test (mark for the 2nd term)
Both activities work the same contents in a time-limited activity, from different points (of view and work) in order to complement the student's work towards a specific final aim per unit.

Day 2                                                                                               
  Classwork: Student’s Book pages 48-49 activities 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6
  Homework: WorkBook Digital Edition - Vocabulary 1 (all the activities) 
None of these activites have been sent as homework. 
Cap d'aquestes activitats s'ha enviat com a treball de classe / casa.
Si algun estudiant,  pel seu compte, les ha fet, que vagi avançant el dossier de la unitat 4. 

Day 3                                                                                               
 Classwork: Student’s Book page 52 activities 1 and 3 + Reading 2 activity 5  
  +  Student’s Book page 53 activities 6, 7, 8 and 9
  Homework: WorkBook Digital Edition - Vocabulary 2 (all the activities) 
None of these activites have been sent as homework. 
Cap d'aquestes activitats s'ha enviat com a treball de classe / casa.
Si algun estudiant , per iniciativa pròpia, les ha fet, que vagi avançant el dossier de la unitat 4.  

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