Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Finishing First Term ... and more

So far we have been working for more than two months and we are finishing the first term. Although the marks of this first term will get home by the third week of December, we are about to start Unit 3. The tests will take place the same week we finish school. It will be the first unit of Term 2 and their first mark of that second term. For the next three weeks we will concentrate on working the vocabulary and grammar points so that we can start a different unit in January 2014.
Fins ara portem dos mesos de classe i estem a punt d'acavar el primer trimestre. Tot i que les notes arrivaran a casa la tercera setmana de desembre, estem a punt de començar la unitat 3. Les proves (oral i escrita) tindran lloc la mateixa setmana que acaven les classes. Aquesta serà la primera unitat del segón quadrimestre. Durant les properes 3 setmanes treballarem principalment la gramàtica i el vocabulari de manera que puguem començar una nova al tornar a classe el gener del 2014.

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