Sunday, September 29, 2013

Proves inicials d'anglès

ESO 1 - Diagnostic Test fet a l'aula

Diagnostic Test ESO 1A ESO 1B ESO 1C
Excel.lent 2 3 2
Notable 7 6 3
7 6 6
Suficient 3 2 4
Insuficient Alt 2 3 1
Insuficient Baix 0 1 2
Total alumnes 21 21 18

ESO 3 - Redacció "Who am I?" feta a casa

A = Excellent 1 2 2
B=  Good 6 7 4
C = Okay 8 4 7
D = Watch out 3 6 3
Not handed out 1 0 3
Total students 19 19 19

Sunday, September 22, 2013

After the first week ....

September 20th was the deadline to hand out the summer work for those of you who HAD TO do it. In the next days we will check it and will give it back to you at the end of this month. Remember that, as you were told, this work will be marked for your assessment.
Apart from checking last summer's work we are also checking the composition you gave me about you so that, in few days diversity and diversification of contents can be used. This way everyone should be able to follow the subject at his / her own pace.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Day 1 - Who am I ? (Introducing ourselves)

Name and Surname(s)

Teacher’s Name and group


A sample composition for those of you who (think) have a lw level and / or need some sort of guideline to do the activity.

Unit 1 – Introducing myself

My name is ____________I live in ______________ with my ________________and my ________. My ______’s name is _____________and s/he works as a ___________ in ______________. My _____________’s name is __________ and s/he works as a _________ in ___________. My ________’s name is _____ and s/he works / studies ____________ in/at ____________. My ________’s name is _________ and s/he works / studies ________ in / at _______.My favourite sport  is __________ but I don’t like ________very much.My favourite pop / rock band / Singer is / are _________. I like him/ her/ them because _________. My best friend’s name is ___________ and s/he is____________.In my free time I like ________________________. The things I don’t like to do are _________________. I think I am a _____________ person. 

Friday, September 13, 2013

New Season - Cervelló 2013 - ????

From now on, this blog will focus on my work at SI Cervelló. However, I haven't erased anything from what I did in Sant Cugat these years.