Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Legend of St. Nicholas

The legend of Santa Claus can be traced back hundreds of years to a monk named St. Nicholas. It is believed that Nicholas was born sometime around 280 A.D. in Patara, near Myra in modern-day Turkey. Much admired for his piety and kindness, St. Nicholas became the subject of many legends. It is said that he gave away all of his inherited wealth and traveled the countryside helping the poor and sick. One of the best known of the St. Nicholas stories is that he saved three poor sisters from being sold into slavery or prostitution by their father by providing them with a dowry so that they could be married. Over the course of many years, Nicholas's popularity spread and he became known as the protector of children and sailors. His feast day is celebrated on the anniversary of his death, December 6. This was traditionally considered a lucky day to make large purchases or to get married. By the Renaissance, St. Nicholas was the most popular saint in Europe. Even after the Protestant Reformation, when the veneration of saints began to be discouraged, St. Nicholas maintained a positive reputation, especially in Holland.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

First Term is coming !!!!!
Com ja sabeu el proper dimarts 22 de desembre, últim dia de classe, es lliuraran els "long-time expected" butlletins de notes.
Recordeu que és molt important omplir la fitxa de "Com vaig jo" abans de rebre les notes a fí de poder contrastar després les vostres expectatives amb els resultats obtinguts.
És una espècie de "feedback" que fareu vosaltres mateixos i que si està ben fet és molt útil de cara a corregir errors i millorar. Sempre cap endavant!!!
Si tot va bé no hauria d'haver gaire diferència entre el que espereu treure i el que treieu al final.
Però de vegades això no és així i hem de meditar sobre allò que no s'ha fet bé o sobre el que es podria millorar de cara al segón trimestre (Second Term). No oblideu que això és una espècie de carrera de fons i que l'important és arribar a la meta i en bones condicions. Sin prisa pero sin pausa.
Respecte a la matèria d'anglès, la nota final surt de sumar:
"Diagnosi Test + Introduction Unit Test + Unit 1 Test + Speaking 1 + Speaking 2 + Notebook + Classwork + Homework" = Final Mark.
I wish you have a great Holiday Bank!!! (Que tingueu un bon pont!!)

Friday, November 27, 2009

Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday of November)

Los orígenes de Thanksgiving se remontan al año 1620 cuando un barco (el Mayflower) con más de 100 colonos ingleses cruzó el Atlántico para instalarse en el Nuevo Mundo. Este grupo de “pilgrims”, de fuertes convicciones religiosas, se oponía a las creencias de la iglesia anglicana y al final tuvo que emprender la travesía del océano para escapar de la horca. Los peregrinos (pilgrims) se instalaron en el que es ahora el actual Estado de Massachussets, concretamente en la histórica colonia de Plymouth Rock. Su primer invierno en el Nuevo Mundo americano fue extremadamente difícil. Pasaron hambre, frío y murieron la mitad de los colonos. En la primavera siguiente, ayudados por los indios Wampanoag, aprendieron a sembrar maíz, una planta antes ignorada para los colonos. Los indios les enseñaron también a cultivar otros alimentos, a cazar y a pescar. En el otoño de 1621 fueron recolectadas generosas cosechas de grano, cebada, frijoles y calabazas. Los colonos, como muestra de agradecimiento religioso organizaron un festín, que los americanos han denominado históricamente así: The America’s First Thanksgiving. Los “pilgrims” invitaron al Gran Jefe y a 90 indios de su tribu Wampanoag. Los indios llevaron carne de ciervo para ser asada y pavos (turkeys). Los colonos (pilgrims) habían aprendido cómo cocinar los arándanos y prepararon las diferentes clases de grano sobre vajillas desconocidas para los indígenas. Para este primer día de Acción de Gracias, los indios habían llevado hasta palomitas de maíz. De aquí se desprende que incluso hoy día Thanksgiving and pilgrims sean expresiones estrechamente unidas.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Around the eighth century, the Christian church made November 1 All Saints' Day to honor all of the saints that didn't have a special day of their own. The mass held on All Saints' Day was called All Hallowmas (the mass of all Hallows -- saintly people). The night before was known as All Hallows Eve. Eventually this name became Halloween.
Many people view Halloween as a time of innocent fun. Children love to dress up as their favorite characters. They will go door to door saying the infamous words "trick or treat". Many adults also love Halloween, because it gives them a chance to let loose and act silly. Every year in the U.S.A. alone, millions of dollars are spent on Halloween goods. Halloween is the second highest grossing money maker outside of Christmas. The promotion of Halloween by the television moguls, the advertisers, and not to mention the blockbuster sales of movies and rentals this time of year. Everyone can see Halloween is big business.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Changes at ESO 1 ENG

Nova secció S.O.S
Reinforcement: for those students who find it difficult to follow the classes at school. Here you can find extra activities and grammar explanations to help you with basic grammar and basic vocabulary contents. Reforç: per aquells alumnes que troben difícil seguir les classes a l'aula. Hi trobareu activitats de reforç amb punts de gramàtica i vocabulari bàsics.
Higher Level: for those students who find it easy to follow the classes at school and would like to go on ftheir urther learning. Here you can find extra activities and grammar explanations to help you improve your good level and make it even better. Nivell més alt: per aquells alumnes que troben que el que fem a l'aula és fàcil i volen treballar més per millorar el seu bon nivell d'anglès.

Monday, September 21, 2009

School year 2009-10 Arnau Cadell

Hello to my new students and also my former students. From now a new stage in life has come to me but I will still use this blog to offer you help in your work. Do not hesitate to contact me for whatever reason/doubt you have. Your comments are always helpful. I hope you all have a great new school year.

Joan Ventura Rus Santiago

Monday, May 4, 2009

Rouen (la ville où Jacques y habite)

Et bien, je viens de télécharger à "facebook" un album photo avec quelques photos prises à Rouen, une belle ville placée en Normandie où je suis allé il y a deux ans et où notre ami Jacques y habite.
J' y ai passé un très bon séjour là et je crois que c'est une ville à visiter, pas seulement par son architecture mais aussi à cause de ses restaurants et son histoire.
J'aimerais bien que notre ami Jacques nous présente la ville à partir de quelques comentaires au-dessous des photos s'il les regarde et s'il peut le faire.
Je crois qu'il connaîtra presue tous les endroits montrés.
Si quelqu'un connait son e-mail, je vous prie de lui faire savoir cette idée et de lui donner mon addresse "facebook". Merci beaucoup à tous.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Yummy, Yummy ! !

About me:

When I knew that kangaroos were part of Aussie cookery I decided that if I ever went down under I would try it. And when I went to Australia, I ordered kangaroo for lunch one day!
I loved it!!I found it so sweet and so different to anything I had eaten before!! I recommend you to try kangaroo if you see it on any menu.
I have heard that some restaurants in Bacelona offer this dish. You may also find it "yummy".

About you:

What's the most exotic food you have ever tried?
If you have never eaten anything which could be considered as exotic, what's the most disgusting dish you've ever had? Where and why did you have it? How was the experience?
What was it made of? What were the ingredients?

If you dare:

Monday, March 9, 2009

Liste de livres recommandés par mes élèves de 3ème ESO (14 - 15ans)

Voilà la liste de livres que vous m'avez récommandé:

- Harry Potter
- The boy in the stripped pyjamas
- Histoire d'une mouette et du chat qui l´enseigne à voler
- Tintin au Congo
- La leyenda de Camelot
- Iván de Aldénuri
- Le huit
- Le Seigneur des anneaux
- Elliot Tomclyde
- Tristan et Iseult
- The old man and the sea
- Une lettre au roi
- La mardi avec mon vieux professeur (le seul que j'ai lu)

Merci pour votre collaboration "obligatoire" :-)
Et maintenant tous nous avons quelques idées pour la prochaîne Saint Jordi 2009 !!!!!!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Soyez Bienvenus

Si vous faites attention, vous verrez qu'il y a en bas à droite la référence à un site web où on peut y aller pour apprendre un peu plus. C'est la section "Pour apprendre plus". ;-P
Si vous cliquez là vous entrerez dans mon site web "Blackbluepen": le prof en ligne "24 heures par jour" Oh là là!!!
Il y a trois sections: "Welcome" (pour les élèves d'anglais), "Bienvenu(e)s" (pour les élèves de français) et "Extra" (pour matériel extra) :-)
Cliquez et surfez. Il y a des activités de grammaire, de vocabulaire, des explications , presque tout. Quelle grande invention le prof "en ligne".
Bon apprentisage (avec ou sans prof)
À bientôt :-)