Monday, January 30, 2012

ESO 1D Unit 4 Timing

Things to be worked in class
Student’s Book


Higher Level
Lower Level 

Jan 12th

Go to the library and look for a book to read. Deliverance of the Reader’s Dossier (Questions)
Start reading the book and working the dossier of the Reader’s.

Jan 16th
Grammar: Present Continuous

Student’s Book pages 48-49 activities 2,9,10
Pages 50-51  activities 7,8,9, 10,11
Wb p34-35 activities 3,5,6,8
Student’s Book pages 48-49 activities 2,9,
Pages 50-51  activities 3,4,7,9
Wb pages 34-35 activities 1,2,7,8

Student’s Book Pages 50-51 

Wb pages 34-35 activities 1-4
Tuesday Jan 17th
Speaking Session Class

Jan 20th

Student’s Book page 48 activity 5
Student’s Book page 52 activities 4-5
Student’s Book page 53 activities 2,5,6

Wb p36 activity 1
Student’s Book page 53 activities 4,5,6

Wb p36 activities 1-2

Monday  Jan 23rd

Correct homework from Monday 16th

Vocabulary: Prepositions of place

Student’s Book page 55 activity 8

Wb p37 activities 1,2

Student’s Book page 55 activity 7

Wb p37 activities 3-6


Student’s Book p54


Wb page 37

Tuesday Jan 24th
Speaking Session Class

Thursday    Jan 26th
Writing: An essay
Write an essay about a/ your city:
- Sant Cugat
- Barcelona
- Your mum’s hometown
- Your dad’s hometwon
- A city you like/love/have lived, etc
Student’s Book page56 activities 2,3
Wb page 38 activities 7-9

Monday   Jan 30th
Correct homework from Monday 23rd
Festivals and festivities: Greeting Cards
Student’s Book page 57 activity 4
Wb p39 activities 2,3,4,7,8,9
Student’s Book page 57 activity 4
Wb p39 activities 1,2,5,6,9,10
Student’s Book page 57 activities 2,3
Wb page 39 activities 1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
Tuesday   Jan 31st
Last class for the present simple / continuous + prepositions of place
(extra photocopies – translation in class)
Study for the Unit Test
Thursday     Feb 2nd
Unit 4 Test
Finish reading the Reader’s Book and fulfill the Reader’s Dossier
Monday Feb 6th
Deliverance of the Reader’s Dossier
Start Unit 5

Tuesday Feb 7th
Unit 4 Speaking Test

ESO 2 UNit 4 Timing

Things to be worked in class
Student’s Book


Higher Level 000
Lower Levels   0-00

Tuesday Jan 10th
Grammar:  Introduction of the grammar point: the usage of past continuous and its difference with the past simple.
Student’s Book pages 40-41 activites 1,3,5,6

Workbook activities 3,5,6 and “error correction”
Student’s Book pages 40-41 activites 4,5,6,7

Workbook pages 34-35 activities 1,2,4,5

Pages 40-41

Pages 34-35

Jan 13th

Go to the library and look for a book to read. Deliverance of the Reader’s Dossier (Questions)
Start reading the book and working the dossier of the book.

Jan 6th
Vocabulary: Animals

Wb page 32    activities 1-3
Wb page 36    activitiuies 1-2

Wb page 32    activities 1-3
Wb page 36    activitiy 1
Pages 37-41  activities 1-4 plus “listening” activity 5 (p39) and “listening” activity 8 (p41)

Pages 32,33,38,39
Tuesday Jan 17th
Correct homework from Tuesday January 10th + Extra photocopies
Complete the photocopies given by the teacher in class.

Jan 20th
Writing: Student’s Book page 43 Paragraph structure
Workbook p37 activites 5-6
Workbook p37 activites 5-6
Student’s Book page 43 act 7-8

Monday  Jan 23rd

Treball de Síntesi

Tuesday Jan 24th

Friday     Jan 27th
Listening: Student’s Book page 43 activities 4-5  + Translation in class. Open the students book on page 42 and translate the “reading text” into Spanish or Catalan. Use a dictionary

Finish the translation of the text.

Student’s Book pages 42-43 activity 2
Monday   Jan 30th
Correction of the photocopies given on Tuesday 17th
Finish reading the Reader’s Book and fulfill the Reader’s Dossier
Tuesday   Jan 31st
Last class for the past simple and continuous + Correct Vocabulary List Unit 4.
Finish reading the Reader’s Book and fulfill the Reader’s Dossier
Friday    Feb 3rd
Speaking Session to prepare the speaking test + + Deliverance of the Reader’s Dossiers.
Study for the Unit Test.
Monday Feb 6th
Unit 4 Test

Tuesday Feb 7th
Start Unit 5

Friday    Feb 10th
Unit 4 Speaking Test