Thursday, October 22, 2009

Around the eighth century, the Christian church made November 1 All Saints' Day to honor all of the saints that didn't have a special day of their own. The mass held on All Saints' Day was called All Hallowmas (the mass of all Hallows -- saintly people). The night before was known as All Hallows Eve. Eventually this name became Halloween.
Many people view Halloween as a time of innocent fun. Children love to dress up as their favorite characters. They will go door to door saying the infamous words "trick or treat". Many adults also love Halloween, because it gives them a chance to let loose and act silly. Every year in the U.S.A. alone, millions of dollars are spent on Halloween goods. Halloween is the second highest grossing money maker outside of Christmas. The promotion of Halloween by the television moguls, the advertisers, and not to mention the blockbuster sales of movies and rentals this time of year. Everyone can see Halloween is big business.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Changes at ESO 1 ENG

Nova secció S.O.S
Reinforcement: for those students who find it difficult to follow the classes at school. Here you can find extra activities and grammar explanations to help you with basic grammar and basic vocabulary contents. Reforç: per aquells alumnes que troben difícil seguir les classes a l'aula. Hi trobareu activitats de reforç amb punts de gramàtica i vocabulari bàsics.
Higher Level: for those students who find it easy to follow the classes at school and would like to go on ftheir urther learning. Here you can find extra activities and grammar explanations to help you improve your good level and make it even better. Nivell més alt: per aquells alumnes que troben que el que fem a l'aula és fàcil i volen treballar més per millorar el seu bon nivell d'anglès.